Get to know me. So, let me share a little about myself.

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I am Katanya Nova, your dedicated Life and Emotional Intelligence Coach and Numerologist. I am passionately committed to guiding individuals on a transformative journey toward self-awareness and emotional maturity. With a solid commitment to nurturing your personal growth, I equip you with practical tools to self-manage and self-regulate, fostering a deep self-attunement. My expert guidance aims to enhance your Emotional Intelligence, empowering you to improve your relationship with yourself and significantly elevate the quality of your life. As a facilitator of profound personal transformation, I support and inspire you at every step, ensuring your path to self-improvement is enlightening and fulfilling. 

Click here to learn about my coaching services and other online learning programs. 


I have proven success as an entrepreneur, business owner, and leader in technology. With a rich history as a banker turned tech professional and inventor, I've spent over 18 years at the forefront of the I.T. and cybersecurity industry. My journey took a pivotal turn in 2006 when I ventured into Information Technology, leaving behind nearly a decade in banking.

As the former President and CEO of a leading Managed I.T. services and cybersecurity firm, I navigated the company to remarkable success before a successful exit in November 2020. My leadership and strategic vision have generated over $200M in small business market sales since 1998. I have helped thousands of people improve their lives, careers, and businesses since 2015 as an inspirational speaker, workshop facilitator, and Success Coach. 


As a certified Life Coach and Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy practitioner, I bring over 27 years of leadership and personal development experience. My deep understanding of Emotional Intelligence (E.I.Q.) and spiritual intuition uniquely equip me to guide individuals through life's complexities. My mission? To help you decode life's challenges, create a personalized roadmap to success, and unlock your true potential.

Whether you aim to excel in your career, find inner peace and happiness, or significantly impact the world, I'm here to support and guide you on your journey.


Mindset Check® is more than a model; I created a transformative process based on Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques. This approach, honed over 15 years of my development and healing journey, is now a tool I share with clients and my 100K+ social media audience.

The Mindset Check® method is designed to activate your awareness process and develop self-regulation skills. This helps you navigate challenging situations with a clearer mind and a stronger sense of self.

My belief is simple yet powerful: your feelings, thoughts, beliefs, energetic state, and words shape your reality. By changing these, you can transform your life.

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Certified Numerologist

From Childhood to Finding My Spiritual Path

My childhood was marked by a sense of having abilities beyond the ordinary, which I kept hidden because I felt unsupported. However, intuition and a clear vision of the future were two talents that stayed with me.

At 16, I followed an inner call to move from San Francisco to San Diego without any plans or informing anyone. After finishing school, I pursued a business degree at a college while also working as a waitress. One night, the idea of becoming a banker struck me out of the blue. I crossed paths with two bank executives who encouraged me to apply for a job—a step that changed my career trajectory.

Transitioning into the banking industry, I swiftly climbed the ladder. Before turning 23, I became an Assistant Vice President and Bank Manager at a Fortune 500 firm. Years later, another solid inner pull led me to leave my nine-year banking career behind and venture into entrepreneurship.

In 2006, drawing on my 401K savings, I launched a Managed IT services and Cybersecurity consulting company. The business gained recognition as one of the minority-owned businesses by the U.S. Small Business Administration in San Diego in 2013.

Despite achieving success, I felt a sense of disconnection. I decided to rekindle my connection with the spiritual realm I had previously distanced myself from. By 2020, after 15 years of running my I.T. company, I decided to sell my shares and embark on a new chapter.

In March 2020, amidst the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, many individuals grappled with feelings of confusion and doubt. In July 2020, I decided to extend my numerology services to the public. To my amazement, my appointment slots were completely booked within four days of making this offering known. Within two months, I conducted more than 50 sessions, recognizing that individuals were actively seeking guidance, purpose, and a sense of direction.

This realization became the catalyst for establishing "Your Soul Code," a service dedicated to providing individuals with the clarity they are searching for. Over time, I have often been referred to as having the "Midas Touch." I credit my achievements to being attuned to my Soul's Code and relying on my intuition and clear understanding.

Numerology Training & Psychic Development:

  • 2016: I began studying under Dora Few, learning Symbols of the Sacred and Destiny Readings.
  • 2016-2018 Advanced Studies: Trained with Robert Lee Camp, a Grand Master in Symbols of the Sacred and Astrology.
  • 2019 Certification: Under Pam Crane's guidance, I became certified in advanced numerology and tarot reading, incorporating Pythagorean, Egyptian, and Ancient Hebrew Schools of Mysteries.
  • 2019 Initiated For Continual Spiritual Empowerment: Active Student and Adept in The Modern Mystery School International.

Psychic Gifts:

  • Primary Skills: Clairsentient (clear feeling), Clairaudient (clear hearing), and Claircognizant (clear knowing).
  • Empowerment Tools: Learned various sacred practices and empowerment tools from The Modern Mystery School, enhancing psychic gifts and connecting with the spiritual and angelic realms.
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